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电影 《虎面角斗士》剧情介绍

《虎面角斗士》主演:蒂姆斯·伯特姆斯 布鲁斯·洛克 理查德·林奇 芭芭拉·尼文 的电影 该剧剧情: While searching Las Vegas for the man who killed his famous father -- a wrestler known for his trademark tiger mask -- Chuji Kurenai (Bruce Locke) is drawn into an underground world where brutal fighters battle to the death. Promoter Bruce Rossner (Richard Lynch) keeps raising the stakes, finally forcing Chuji to fight three men at once. Barbara Niven, Stoney Jackson, Matthias Hues and Timothy Bottoms co-star in this martial arts-flavored action movie.苹果影院恐怖片栏目为您提供《虎面角斗士》免费在线观看,及播出时间。喜欢的话,不要忘记分享给好友哦!


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